related projects:
Client: City of Salzburg / Schlossverwaltung Hellbrunn
Exhibition Film/Morphinganimation/Illustrations
For the permanent exhibition on Archbishop Markus Sittikus at Hellbrunn Palace in Salzburg we created an animated film showing scenes from a carnival – a morphing animation on the vanitas theme and various illustrations.
The Fasnachtfilm is designed for a 180° projection and can be viewed in a Full-HD converted version (video left). The full effect of the project – executed in ultra-wide format with quadrophonic sound – can, however, only be enjoyed during the on-site installation at Hellbrunn Palace.
Length: 3:30 Min. | ca. 40 Sec.
Format: 6050×1080 | Full-HD | Print
Year: 2015/2016

The task included the creation of a three-minute film with the depiction of some scenes of the carnival at the time of Markus Sittikus based on historical traditions. The sometimes very brutal and, in today’s context, difficult to comprehend sceneries, such as the cat piano or pig beating, had to be prepared in a contextually true but modern way – suitable for young and old audiences to consume. As a first step, we developed a visual style that allowed us to create the scenes more stylized, comic-like and amusing. After selecting the scenes to be implemented, the sequence and story were determined.
On the technical side, it was paramount that the format had to be taken into account and that it had a decisive influence on the design of the film. With a total resolution of 6048×1080 pixels, a 180° panorama is created on a “curved” screen and, together with the four-channel sound, and lets the visitor literally sink into the action.
Another short video, which we had designed for another room on the theme “Vanitas”, shows the transformation of the young Markus Sittikus into the old Markus Sittikus.
Here we had only two pictures as a basis for the morphing – a portrait of the child and the adult. The remaining pictures, up to the old man, had to be created or drawn manually.
Our Tasks:
- Concept
- Look Development/Design
- Direction
- 3D Modelling
- Texturing
- Shading/Lighting
- Animation
- Painting
- Illustration
- Visual Effects
Scientific Supervision: Sibylle Kampl
Art Direction & Animation: Simon Wendler
Narrator De: Dirk Stermann
Narrator En: Andrew Golder
Sounddesign & Mixing: Horst Schnattler